Picture of Me

About Me

Picture of Me

I am Computer Science Graduate from McMaster University living in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I am currently working as a Software Developer at Konrad Group. In my spare time, I enjoy writing music, playing basketball, traveling, programming and exploring the city I'm living in.

During my time in University, I've worked in both front-end and back-end development roles and have found myself enjoying both. Due to these experiences, I consider myself to be a generalist who can adapt to any technical roles. At my current company, there has been more of a focus on front-end but I've still been able to gain varied experience. You can read more about my work experience here.

For my personal projects I like to try out different languages, however the languages I've used the most in my own personal projects are Javascript, Python, Java and C++. You can check out a few of my projects here or go to Github for a more detailed view of all of them.

To contact me, send an email to temelkr17@gmail.com.

My Work Experience

Konrad Group

Software Developer July 2019 to Present

Worked with a client to design and implement a custom e-commerce web application that integrates with a wide array of financial and logistical services. Impressed first time client with punctual delivery on tight deadlines for a successful product launch, leading to contract extensions and future projects.


Software Engineering Intern May 2018 to Aug. 2018

Contributed to the implementation of an API for querying data from multiple data sources (databases and Hadoop data store) into multiple systems developed by other teams. This application allowed other teams to all have a central method of querying data as opposed to multiple teams directly querying data sources, thus reducing the number of related issues for the support team.


Software Developer Intern May 2017 to Apr. 2018

Developed a real-time streaming application for IBM Campaign runtime data using Apache Kafka. Allowed for offsite data analysis, which lessened the load on the client's production environment, freeing up more resources for day-to-day marketing operations. Implemented other services, such as reporting, that were previously on-site as remote microservices, which drastically reduced deployment time for client's with longer timelines for adopting new software.

My Projects

Mobility AI

Capstone project built for Juravinski Hospital to help nurses track their patients' mobility

Good Life Index

Good Life Index Project

Webapp built to help users find the best place to live for them


Maze exploration game built with OpenGL and C++ for Computer Graphics class